In case you missed it…
Macomb County Prosecutor Eric Smith was singled out in a
Detroit Free Press story over the weekend identifying “pants on fire” lies in Michigan campaign ads.
Smith, a Macomb Township Democrat, was among those elected
officials participating in TV ads for state Proposal 2, which would enshrine a
broad definition of “collective bargaining rights” in the state Constitution.
The Freep, highlighting their story with a photo of Smith,
reported that the pro-2 campaign soft-pedaled the ballot proposal by suggesting it would
not allow public employee unions to limit local budget cuts or employee ethics
and behavior standards through the union negotiating process.
In the ad, Smith claims Prop 2 would have virtually no affect on any state laws.
In the ad, Smith claims Prop 2 would have virtually no affect on any state laws.
The odd thing about Smith emerging in a pro-2 ad is that he
was not viewed as a pro-union boss just a few years ago. His staff of
prosecutors, investigators and clerical workers, represented by the UAW, were
among the longest hold-outs against Macomb
County employee
Smith’s eccentric Republican opponent, Mike Wrathell, put
out an email message today in which he claims that Macomb County
has become a “laughing stock” due to the prosecutor’s actions.
Wrathell’s commentary on Macomb’s standing was not a reference to his
odd paintings that reflect what a Plutonian – a resident of Pluto – might look
like. Instead he is latching onto Smith’s loyalty oath, established several
years ago, that says his staff is not allowed to run against him or to publicly
support one of his election opponents.
Wrathell, making a second run at Smith after being crushed
in the 2008 vote, believes that Smith stands in contradiction to America’s
Founding Fathers and the First Amendment protections of free speech.
I agree with Wrathell..Smiths little loyalty oath is rather sickening, actually. Never work for anyone who is so fearful and insecure that they need to make you swear an oath. My allegiance is to the US, Not some nincompoop greedhead..while Mr.Wrathell may be considered eccentric..his art is actually quite thought provoking.. I think smith should be hauled into federal court to explain himself.