Monday, November 5, 2012

The 10 centrists that Congress really needs

Keeping with tradition, John Avlon, one of the most level-headed columnists in America, has named the 10 best centrist candidates for Congress. The list includes Republicans, Democrats and independents.
Just a couple observations: A loss by former Democratic senator Bob Kerrey to Deb Fischer in Nebraska would be a travesty. Kudos to former GOP senator Chuck Hagel for stepping in and giving Kerrey’s bid to return to the Senate a strong endorsement in the final week of the campaign.
I agree that Massachusetts GOP Sen. Scott Brown is a solid senator. I just wish Brown and Elizabeth Warren, two of the best candidates in the nation, were not facing each other. Warren is one of my favorite liberals – an intelligent, straight-talking Democrat – and she would add a lot to the Senate without being obstructionist.

Here’s a portion of Avlon’s column:
“Centrism is one of most misunderstood and maligned political identities in our polarized hyper-partisan environment. Its advocates have been hunted into near-extinction on Capitol Hill by party-first conformists, angry ideologues and special interests.

“But a look over this list shows a deeper philosophic consistency beyond party labels -- a commitment to generational responsibility and individual liberty that can be fairly described as fiscally conservative but socially liberal.

“… That's why we need them in the next Congress -- to break the fever of division and dysfunction, define the common ground that exists on the urgent issues we face and then build on them. Their success in the 2012 election would be a healthy step forward for the nation.”

You can read more here, including the list of 10, and Avlon’s explanations of why each candidate made the cut.

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