At a stop in Utica
by the Michigan Republican Party campaign bus on Monday, a long line of GOP and
Mitt Romney supporters gave spirited speeches to a highly partisan crowd of
more than 100 people.
The event, which took place at the Macomb GOP headquarters,
was part of a 4-day, 25-city bus tour designed to boost get-out-the-vote
efforts for Romney and the Republican ticket.
Schuette |
Those on hand included Senate candidate Pete Hoekstra,
Attorney General Bill Schuette, Secretary of State Ruth Johnson, U.S. Rep.
Candice Miller, congressional candidate Don Volaric, and the GOP slate of
Michigan Supreme Court hiopefuls – Justice Stephen Markman, Justice Brian
Zehra and candidate Colleen O’Brien.
Markman, surprisingly, got the crowd chanting and applauding
with an impassioned speech.
In a pitch for Romney, Hokestra said Tuesday’s
election will determine whether American foreign policy over the next four
years will mean that the U.S.
is “respected” and “feared” across the globe.
Predicting victory for the GOP presidential nominee, Schuette said later
that he detects a “surge” for Romney in Michigan
that began after the first presidential debate and has taken hold in the last
10 days among independents.
The attorney general also defended Romney’s campaign ads in
Ohio that claim General Motors and Chrysler are using the momentum from federal
rescue loans to shift jobs to China. Schuette said Chrysler’s effort to
establish Jeep production in China
is evidence that Romney was not lying, despite vociferous criticisms from GM
and Chrysler executives.
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