Over at a website known as the Tea Party Command Center,
they’re promoting the conspiracy theory that the federal government manipulated
the weather patterns to create Hurricane Sandy so that the presidential
election would be disrupted.
Meanwhile, a preacher claims the storm is God’s punishment
for states that support same-sex marriage.
And a certain portion of Republicans who should know
better seem to believe that the meteorological rape of the East Coast shore was
God’s will.
The Tea Party site asks: “Couldn’t it very well be that
our ‘October Surprise’ will be a man-made weather event that ‘knocks out power
to millions’? We know that HAARP is busy! We’re warned of catastrophe. ‘They’
HAARP is a reference to a military research facility in
Alaska that is a favorite of conspiracy theorists because it features about 200
tall antennas that rely upon high-frequency radio waves to research the
ionosphere. In other words, it’s a scientific pursuit that is beyond the intelligence
or comprehension of the conspiracy theorists.
It’s unclear to me why these right-wingers think that
evil, conniving liberals in the Obama administration would want to damage a
bunch of Blue States.
Meanwhile, chaplain John McTernan said that Sandy is further
proof that “God is systematically destroying America” in retaliation of the
nation’s “homosexual agenda.”
He blames gays, lesbians, the Muslim Brotherhood, Barack
Obama and Mitt Romney.
Obama is 100 percent behind the Muslim Brotherhood which
has vowed to destroy Israel and take Jerusalem. Both candidates are
pro-homosexual and are behind the homosexual agenda. America is under political
judgment…” McTernan wrote on his blog.
And then we have mainstream Republicans distributing
online a U.S. map showing an outdated possible path for Sandy with this text emblazoned
across it: “Democrats voted against God three times. God may have had the last
word on that.”
I’m not sure what that means but it sounds fairly
conspiratorial, perhaps in a tongue-in-cheek way.
UPDATE: The reference to the Democrats is apparently an assertion by the Religious Right that the Dems voted against God three times at their national convention.
This poster demonstrates how ridiculous fringe politics can become (Lord help us):
UPDATE: The reference to the Democrats is apparently an assertion by the Religious Right that the Dems voted against God three times at their national convention.
This poster demonstrates how ridiculous fringe politics can become (Lord help us):
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