Monday, November 12, 2012

Redneck states push for secession from U.S.

So, I ask again: Can an American be a staunch partisan and a patriot at the same time?

In reaction to President Obama's re-election, GOP loyalists in states across the south have engaged  in petition drives seeking to secede from the union.
The two most popular petitions, in Texas and Louisiana, have both drawn more than 10,000 signatures each as of Monday morning. The Texas petition needs only 7,000 more signatures to trigger an official White House response.
Most of the petitions simply quote the Declaration of Independence in their request to depart the country. What's disturbing is that states like Oregon, New York and New Jersey are among those where secessionist petitions are being circulated.

But mostly this is a movement among Republicans in redneck states such as Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Arkansas, South Carolina, and Missouri, all of which have expressed interest in dissolving their relationship with the United States.


  1. The Michigan secession petition has almost 5,000 signatures. Very few of them are from people who live in Michigan, though.

  2. Where can I sign? Rednecks are union thugs from west Virginia.
