Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Miller plays the name-game in bid for chairmanship

Congresswoman Candy Miller, in her pursuit of the chairmanship of the House Homeland Security Committee, is up against a common complaint: Michigan already has three committee chairs, why should the state get a fourth?

The three current chairs are: Reps. Dave Camp of Midland, Ways and Means Committee; Fred Upton of St. Joseph, Energy and Commerce Committee; and Mike Rogers of Brighton, Intelligence Committee.
Miller’s two competitors for the Homeland Security panel’s top spot are Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas and Rep. Mike Rogers of Alabama – a different Mike Rogers, not the congressman from Brighton.

When Miller’s colleagues say Michigan should not have four chairs, the Harrison Township Republican has a comical answer: “Well, what about Mike Rogers? You can’t have two Mike Rogers as committee chairs. It’s too confusing.”

1 comment:

  1. From the Macomb Daily World Headquarters in Mount Clemens, Senior Congressional Correspondent Chad Selweski reporting, or not.
