Congresswoman Candy Miller, in her pursuit of the
chairmanship of the House Homeland Security Committee, is up against a common
complaint: Michigan already has three committee chairs, why should the state
get a fourth?
The three current chairs are: Reps. Dave Camp of Midland,
Ways and Means Committee; Fred Upton of St. Joseph, Energy and Commerce
Committee; and Mike Rogers of Brighton, Intelligence Committee.
Miller’s two competitors for the Homeland Security panel’s
top spot are Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas and Rep. Mike Rogers of Alabama – a different
Mike Rogers, not the congressman from Brighton.
When Miller’s colleagues say Michigan should not have
four chairs, the Harrison Township Republican has a comical answer: “Well, what
about Mike Rogers? You can’t have two Mike Rogers as committee chairs. It’s too
From the Macomb Daily World Headquarters in Mount Clemens, Senior Congressional Correspondent Chad Selweski reporting, or not.