Chesterfield Township Clerk Jan Uglis, who came up short
in her Nov. 6 re-election bid, has requested a recount – a recount, that is, of
the tally that she and her staff produced on Election Day.
A Democrat, Uglis had 9,485 votes compared to 9,524 for Republican
challenger Cindy Berry. The 39-vote margin prompted Uglis to seek the recount
which will be conducted on Monday by the county Board of Canvassers.
However, 39 votes is a gap that is nearly recount-proof,
based on past challenges to vote totals for local offices.
These days, some Chesterfield Township voters may feel
vindicated in their choice for clerk.
After all, how it is that Uglis continues to pursue
another four years in office, in fact continues to portray herself as someone
qualified to serve as clerk, when she apparently believes the count that was
conducted by her staff, under her supervision, may have been off by at least 39
Just askin’.
She's perfect for crooked Chesterfield. Most corrupt PD in the state besides Detroit.