While some political pundits say the auto bailout has run
its course as an issue in the presidential campaign, more information continues
surfacing to cement the idea that Mitt Romney has flip-flopped repeatedly on the
remedy for the car industry.
News reports from 2008 by the Associated Press, NBC News
and CBS News show that Romney strongly opposed giving the bridge loans to
General Motors and Chrysler and instead wanted to push them into bankruptcy.
Romney now talks as if he favored federal loan
guarantees for the automakers at the time, but the Associated Press headlined a Nov. 20, 2008 article:
"Romney adamantly against auto industry bailout." And Romney told CBS:
"There's no question but that if you just write a check that you're going
to see these companies go out of business ultimately."
Meanwhile, Jonathan Cohn of The New Republic argues that
the auto bailout is not only relevant right up to Election Day, it may be the
most telling issue of the entire campaign.
At its most basic, Cohn wrote, it shows Obama’s
willingness to rely upon government intervention while Romney believes the
investment banks would have saved pieces of GM and Chrysler.
But Cohn believes there is more to it:
“… The Detroit rescue reveals another difference between
the two -- one that is more about character than ideology. In 2009, you didn't
need a crystal ball to see that Michigan, Ohio, and the rest of the midwest
would be important parts of the 2012 election. But rescuing the companies would
entail its own risks. The public by that point was tired of bailouts and,
according to polls, they didn’t find the autoworkers a whole lot more
sympathetic than the bankers. Conditioned by years of anti-union propaganda and
stories (or personal experiences) with substandard American cars, the American
public had come to see employees of the Big Three as pampered, slothful, and
undeserving of help. Even in the Midwest, where the effects of a shutdown would
be most acute, the rescue elicited mixed responses.
“Obama understood this. Even if the rescue worked as he
hoped it would, chances were good that progress would be slow in coming -- that,
by today, the companies would still be struggling, creating a political
embarrassment. Obama approved the rescue anyway. And that included granting
assistance to Chrysler. Half of his economic advisers opposed that, fearing,
among other things, the shrinking car market was too small to support both
companies. Obama’s rationale was simple: If he had the power to stop the
devastation of either company shutting down, he was going to use it.
“Romney’s inconsistent rhetoric may leave us wondering
precisely what he really thought and would have done. But they tell us a lot
about how he operates in the face of political pressure. When Romney was trying
to appease conservatives and win the Republican primaries, he went out of his
way to attack the rescue as a waste of taxpayer dollars. When Romney was trying
to win over voters in Michigan and, now, as he has been trying to win over
voters in Ohio, he has emphasized the similarities between the remedy he
proposed initially and the solution Obama eventually chose. Can anybody who’s
followed these shifts say honestly Romney has the mettle to make a tough
decision and stick with it?”
One more item: Romney apparently got sucked in by reports
Thursday on right-wing blogs that Chrysler was shifting all Jeep production to
China. He told a campaign crowd in north Ohio – Jeep country – that Chrysler’s
corporate owner, Italian automaker Fiat, was abandoning the U.S. and, of course, it was another
example of an Obama administration failure.
In fact, the bailout-haters had misinterpreted a
Bloomberg News story that explained plans to have all Jeeps sold in China built
in China.
Chrysler’s PR team fired back in extraordinarily
blunt fashion.
The Bloomberg story, though accurate, "has
given birth to a number of stories making readers believe that Chrysler plans
to shift all Jeep production to China from North America, and therefore idle
assembly lines and U.S. work force. It is a leap that would be difficult even
for professional circus acrobats," Chrysler spokesman Gualberto Ranieri
"Let's set the record straight: Jeep has no
intention of shifting production of its Jeep models out of North America to
China. It's simply reviewing the opportunities to return Jeep output to China
for the world's largest auto market. U.S. Jeep assembly lines will continue to
stay in operation."
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